Thursday 10 January 2013

When to be in Love?

*Love love Love*

“These saying I love you, I’m not referring to the Family rather to our opposite sex”

Love can’t explain but rather we can express it to which we love. It’s hard to say “I love you” to the person that we really love heartily It’s because there are lot of curiosities, afraid in losing them and afraid to be rejected by them. We cannot assure also that every person say “I love you” to us had a sincerity when they say it. Some of them just a fun and others were serious.

We cannot easily identify who among of them telling the truth. We are just hoping that they were true to us. Now a days, many of a new blooming boys and girls who already have their Gf/BF and it’s not a problem because all of us has the right to loved and to be loved However, the problem might be if both of them can handle their feelings that it will not break the barrier of NOT.  It’s hard for them to adjust if the time comes and it may lead to destruction of their life and losing their dream. “Happy to be in love and to be love by them that was the sweetest part in our life.”J That was the time that we will never forget for the rest of our life.

Still, you have to think it first before you do it. Love is always but the person to be with us for the rest of our life is One. So think it and we always Pray it to GOD because he is only one that who knows.


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